大家見到Clementi這個名字會往往只會想起他曾是被莫札特擊敗的對手, 更被莫札特形容為"他是一個沒有品味的偽君子,". 雖則如此, 他是一位相當出色的鋼琴家和作曲家, 亦是多位作曲家的好朋友, 例如貝多芬, 孟德爾頌等, 除此之外, 他曾涉獵不同行業, 例如音樂出版商, 鋼琴製造商等, 後來他的兒子和外孫遷移到加拿大居住.
On January 12, 1782, Mozart wrote to his father: "Clementi plays well, as far as execution with the right hand goes. His greatest strength lies in his passages in 3rds. Apart from that, he has not a kreuzer's worth of taste or feeling — in short he is a mere mechanicus".
Clementi's Cabinet Pianoforte